
A child on a beach holding a kite the colors of the Palestinian flag. To the left, a yellow caption reads “(military drones buzz throughout)”.

Class A: Introduction to (Decolonial) Disability Studies

Key Terms

nation-state; eugenics; citizenship; decolonial disability studies; debility


Helen Meekosha, “Decolonising Disability: Thinking and Acting Globally.” Disability & Society 26, no. 6 (October 2011): 667–82.

Laura Jordan Jaffee (2016) “Disrupting global disability frameworks: settler-colonialism and the geopolitics of disability in Palestine/Israel,” Disability & Society, 31:1, 116-130.

Discussion Questions

  • Ask the students to consider the origins and politics of the formation of disability studies as a field. How does the context of disability studies impact its frames? What is it good at telling us, and what can it leave out?
  • How do knowledges from the Global South disrupt these frames? (This section of our lesson idea was kept shorter. These are designed to be paired with the “canonical” texts as you introduce the field.)

Class B: Debility, Eugenics, and the Nation-State


Jasbir K. Puar (2023) “Critical Disability Studies and the Question of Palestine: Toward Decolonizing Disability.” In Crip Genealogies, edited by Mel Y. Chen, Alison Kafer, Eunjung Kim, and Julie Avril Minich, 117–34. Duke University Press. *

Bayan Abusneineh, “(Re)producing the Israeli (European) body: Zionism, Anti-Black Racism and the Depo-Provera Affair,” Feminist Review, 28(1) **

Discussion Questions

  • What is eugenics? What is its relationship to nation-building projects?
  • What does disability do for us in exploring notions of “proper citizenship”?
  • Explore the significance and implications of the distinction Puar makes between “debility” and “disability.”



Short documentary on Deafness in Gaza: Vibrations from Gaza

Settler-colonialism from Canada to Gaza - visual poem: Canada Park


Sins Invalid, Disability Justice for Palestine.

Teaching Resources

Jasbir Puar on teaching Palestine in disability studies classrooms, Disability Visibility Project (coming soon!)

Further Reading

Jasbir Puar (2017). The Right to Maim: Debility, Capacity, Disability, Duke University Press, chapters 3-4 are particularly relevant.


Sandra Sufian, “Mental Hygiene and the Zionist Project.” Disability Studies Quarterly 27(4), 2007.

Meira Weiss (2002). The Chosen Body: The Politics of the Body in Israeli Society. Stanford University Press.


Access in the Making Lab - includes statement, reading, and resources.

Allie Cannington, 2023, “Crip Call for Action: Why Disabled People Need to Be Calling for a Ceasefire,” Disability Visibility Project Blog.


“Gaza: Israeli Attacks, Blockade Devastating for People with Disabilities,” Human Rights Watch.

Disability Under Siege (reports and videos)

Institute of Community and Public Health at Birzeit University